Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Resupply boxes!

Remember that cascading mountain of food we'd stockpiled? Now it's neatly packaged into resupply boxes that we'll pick up along the way. That was no small effort. Each box also has a "map bag" in it, with the map pages we'll need for that section. One million thank yous to the friends and family who offered to send out boxes for us! You are heroes.

Even though we already had a TON of food, this past weekend we went to Berkeley Bowl, Safeway, REI, Sports Basement, and Walgreens. Did I mention how much Justin loves shopping? In the end as we sealed the last box, we ended up a tiny bit short on Gu packets and bars, a bit over in terms of pasta and grits packets. But all told, we had almost exactly the right amount of food which is a miracle because we often have an "eyes bigger than stomach" problem at the grocery store.

And while we're giving out "hero" status, Lauren and Ashwin, our roommates in our beloved 1-bathroom apartment in SF, deserve huge thanks for tolerating boxes, food, and gear everywhere. Prepping for this trip has created chaos, and you guys have been champs about it.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic adventure! Here are a few things I have always been curious about: What type of tent and how much gear are you bringing? What are you doing differently than when you first hiked part of the PCT? Looks like the logistics for this trips would be heaven for super J ;-) All the best and good luck! Kat
